
使用popVideo.popVideo為帶有alpha-channel資料的視訊檔。您可將其匯入iClone中當成去背的板子。以看見其後方的物件。雖然您可以手動套用視訊至擴散通道及遮罩 ...,Justdrag-and-dropyoursourcevideosinpopVideo3,andgettotalcontroloverchromakeyingwithcustomMaskToolsandanadvancedTimelineeditor.,IcreatedthisprojectwhereaSpaceshipisenteringinaregionnearaspectacularNebula,justusingacoupleofpopVideofilesprovidedb...


使用popVideo. popVideo 為帶有alpha - channel 資料的視訊檔。您可將其匯入iClone 中當成去背的板子。以看見其後方的物件。 雖然您可以手動套用視訊至擴散通道及遮罩 ...

Intelligent Video Chroma Keying

Just drag-and-drop your source videos in popVideo 3, and get total control over chroma keying with custom Mask Tools and an advanced Timeline editor.

Real-time 3D Video Compositing

I created this project where a Space ship is entering in a region near a spectacular Nebula, just using a couple of popVideo files provided by Reallusion, a ...

Transparent Video Creator with One

popVideo delivers a one-click background screen removal feature with a wide range of chroma key color options to instantly turn videos and image sequence ...

Free Trial

popVideo is software for for creating transparent videos. Download the trial version to experience the software for free.

3D 場景與視訊合成

結合視訊與3D 場景,整合視訊的即時播放與特效至背景或貼圖屬性,或將視訊直接拖曳到工作場景即可成為平面或告示板。 將動畫場景與專案輸出成為視訊,用其他視訊編輯 ...