Central Brain Identifier
Central Brain Identifier


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Central Brain Identifier Build 0816:軟體王

2006年8月22日 - Central Brain Identifier. 軟體版本: Build 0816, 軟體性質:免費軟體. 語言介面:英文, 作業系統:Windows(含XP). 原創作者:Central Brain ...

Download Central Brain Identifier Black Edition

Central Brain Identifier Black Edition is based on the powerful source code of previous CBId version, but it will feature a new GUI design that was worked out for the AMD64 processor architecture. CBId Black Edition is designed to support AMD64 processors

Central Brain Identifier

Program Category: CPU Information/Overclocking Designed for AMD processor identification. It reports all of the technical information that you ...

Download Central Brain Identifier

Central Brain Identifier is designed to provide detailed recognition and obtaining the most complete extended information for all AMD processors. It recognizes more than 40 various models of the AMD processors. It shows not only the general information ab

Central Brain Identifier - Download

2007年6月11日 - Central Brain Identifier 8.3 Englisch: Das Freeware-Tool "Central Brain Identifier" zeigt Ihnen detaillierte Informationen zum eingesetzten ...

Central Brain Identifier

使用 AMD 處理器的朋友對 CBiD 應該不會陌生,它是一款免費的 AMD 專用的准官方檢測/調校工具,由Vitaliy Jungle 單槍匹馬編寫內核並設計介面,主要功能是檢測AMD處理器的真偽並提供相關參數及特性資訊作為參考輔助!對於AMD處理器的用戶而言,相比 ...

central brain identifier(CPU检测软件) V8.3.6.6 官方版下载_完美软件下载

2016年7月29日 - central brain identifier是一款AMD系列CPU检测工具。central brain identifier获得了AMD官方的“AMD Embedded Solutions Partner”认证的检测 ...

Central Brain Identifier Download

2013年10月24日 - Free Download Central Brain Identifier Build 1228 R6 - A comprehensible and efficient software application designed to analyze and ...

Central Brain Identifier

Central Brain Identifier is designed to provide detailed identification and obtaining the most complete information about all AMD processors. It recognizes more than 50 various models of the AMD processors. It shows not only the general information about

Central Brain Identifier

Central Brain Identifier is designed to provide detailed identification and obtaining the most complete information about all AMD processors. It recognizes more than 50 various models of the AMD processors. It shows not only the general information about

Central Brain Identifier

Central Brain Identifier

AMD CPU 的檢測工具軟體,如果你電腦的 CPU 是 AMD 的,你可以使用該工具軟體來檢測一下你的 CPU 資訊,包括頻率、L1 Cache、L2 Cache ..等等的資訊。
當然如果你的 CPU 不是 AMD 的也就不要使用該工具軟體了。

Central Brain Identifier

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