
TinyImageletsyoueasilycreateanimatedGIFs,animatedWebPsorWebMandMP4videos(withoptionalaudioandframetransitioneffects)directlyfromyour ...,Introduction.TinyImage(opensnewwindow)letsyouexportcompressedJPG,PNG,SVG,WebP,AVIF,GIFandPDFfilesfromFigma,re...

The Best Image Compression Tool


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Export compressed images from Figma and reduce file ...

TinyImage lets you easily create animated GIFs, animated WebPs or WebM and MP4 videos (with optional audio and frame transition effects) directly from your ...

Getting Started with TinyImage

Introduction. TinyImage (opens new window) lets you export compressed JPG, PNG, SVG, WebP, AVIF, GIF and PDF files from Figma, reducing image file sizes by ...

GitHub - focusbetinyImage

Tinyimage 是一个开源的图片压缩工具,支持JPG、PNG、GIF 等多种图片格式,它可以将图片文件大小缩小到原来的70% 以下,而且不会损失图片的视觉质量。在压缩过程中, ...

The Best Image Compression Tool

Easily compress your PNG and JPG images online for free. Our image compression tool, TinyImage, reduces your file size without compromising the image quality.

TinyImage Compressor

2023年11月28日 — Features · Exports images up to 95% smaller than the default exports from Figma. · Privacy focused — no image data ever leaves your Figma file.

TinyImage Compressor:終極圖像壓縮插件

2022年9月8日 — TinyImage 是一個圖像壓縮程序。 Tinypng.com一個名為Figma的流行圖像壓縮網站,它也支持插件。 TinyImage 可顯著壓縮數字環境中常用的圖像文件, ...

TinyImage Plugin Tutorials

2023年5月18日 — TinyImage Plugin Tutorials · Figma Tutorial: Export compressed JPG/PNG images from Figma · Figma Tutorial: Downsize Figma image fills to their ...


Free online image compressor for faster websites! Reduce the file size of your WEBP, JPEG, and PNG images with TinyPNG's smart lossy compression engine.

Troubleshooting TinyImage

To help with this issue, you can use the Downsizer feature (opens new window) in TinyImage (opens new window) to shrink down your image fills to match their ...

Using TinyImage

TinyImage allows you to specify the compression percentage of quality from 1%-100%, or setting a maximum file size target (in kilobytes) for your image exports.


TinyImageletsyoueasilycreateanimatedGIFs,animatedWebPsorWebMandMP4videos(withoptionalaudioandframetransitioneffects)directlyfromyour ...,Introduction.TinyImage(opensnewwindow)letsyouexportcompressedJPG,PNG,SVG,WebP,AVIF,GIFandPDFfilesfromFigma,reducingimagefilesizesby ...,Tinyimage是一个开源的图片压缩工具,支持JPG、PNG、GIF等多种图片格式,它可以将图片文件大小缩小到原来的70%以下,而且不会损失图...

PNGGauntlet 3.1.2 - PNG圖檔批次壓縮最佳化工具

PNGGauntlet 3.1.2 - PNG圖檔批次壓縮最佳化工具
