
2016年6月25日—Whenyoucreateareporttask,adedicatedfolderforthisreportwillbeautomaticallycreatedunderthedestinationfolderthatyouhave ...,2013年3月7日—ThereasonforthetheDSslowingdownisthatReporttoolplacealotofIOcallestotheSystemvolumeandtherebymakingalotofqueueto ...,2017年8月19日—There'safileonmyvolume'stop-levelnamed@synoreport.corethatisabout1.3GBinsize.Cananyonetellmewhatit'sfor?,synoreport文...

synoreport folder

2016年6月25日 — When you create a report task, a dedicated folder for this report will be automatically created under the destination folder that you have ...

Synoreport , making all services unusably slow

2013年3月7日 — The reason for the the DS slowing down is that Report tool place a lot of IO calles to the System volume and there by making a lot of queue to ...


2017年8月19日 — There's a file on my volume's top-level named @synoreport.core that is about 1.3GB in size. Can anyone tell me what it's for?


synoreport 文件夹:. 创建报告任务时,系统将自动在指定作为报告存储位置的目的地文件夹下生成名为synoreport 的文件夹。对于创建的每个报告任务,将在synoreport 文件 ...

Manage Report Profiles | Storage Analyzer

When you create a report task, the system will automatically generate a folder named synoreport under the destination folder designated as the storage location ...

Manage Report Profiles

When you create a report task, the system will automatically generate a folder named synoreport under the destination folder designated as the storage location ...


synoreport 資料夾: · 建立報表任務時,系統會在指定儲存報表的目的地資料夾之下自動產生名為synoreport 的資料夾。 · 由於此資料夾會隨著報表任務的執行而增長,且存放所有 ...

RidNacs 2.0.3 目錄及檔案大小使用率統計工具

RidNacs 2.0.3 目錄及檔案大小使用率統計工具


Xinorbis 5.2 - 專業級的硬碟使用率分析軟體

Xinorbis 5.2 - 專業級的硬碟使用率分析軟體


DirectorySize - 硬碟內誰最肥?

DirectorySize - 硬碟內誰最肥?
