
ASCQ-Meincludesquestionsenablingadultstodescribetheirfunctioningandwell-beingaccordingtoseventopicsrelatedtotopicssuchasphysicalpain,sleep ...,AscqisaformercommuneontheMarqueriverintheNorddepartmentinnorthernFrance,atsevenkilometersfromBelgium.Agriculturalvillageuntilthe ...,TheAscqmassacrewasamassacreof86menon1April1944inAscq,France,bytheWaffen-SSduringtheSecondWorldWar.,TointerpretASCQ-Mesco...

Adult Sickle Cell Quality of Life Measurement Information ...

ASCQ-Me includes questions enabling adults to describe their functioning and well-being according to seven topics related to topics such as physical pain, sleep ...


Ascq is a former commune on the Marque river in the Nord department in northern France, at seven kilometers from Belgium. Agricultural village until the ...

Ascq massacre

The Ascq massacre was a massacre of 86 men on 1 April 1944 in Ascq, France, by the Waffen-SS during the Second World War.


To interpret ASCQ-Me scores, one must consider two pieces of information: 1) the direction of scoring and 2) the difference between the score you have and 50.


This topic provides additional sense codes (ASCs) and additional sense code qualifier (ASCQ) for encryption-related messages.

SCSI ASCASCQ Assignments ** Numeric Sorted Listing

SCSI ASC/ASCQ Assignments. Numeric Sorted Listing. as of Sun Apr 7 2024 at 13:50. General Condition ASC Assignments. ASCQ = 00h For All General Conditions.

SCSI ASCASCQ Table Format Explanation

An ASC/ASCQ code value may be used by several SCSI device types. The letters in the DTLPWROMAEBKVF column indicate which SCSI device types have the option of ...


2020年6月11日 — ASCQ(ADDITIONAL SENSE CODE QUALIFIER),附加检测码的限定符,用来描述与附加检测码相关的详细信息,如果设备没有错误或者异常情况,则附加检测码的限定符 ...

SMART ASCASCQ error codes and messages

The ASC (additional sense code) and ASCQ (additional sense code qualifier) are known as SCSI additional sense data codes, as defined by SCSI standards. SMART ...

