


最新的佛諾伊Phonoi 科學新聞、研究評論和學術文章。 Academic Accelerator 最完整的百科全書。


In Greek mythology, the Phonoi were the ghastly-faced male personifications of murder. The Phonoi. Personifications of Murder.

The Phonoi

在Apple Music 聆聽The Phonoi的音樂。尋找The Phonoi最熱門的歌曲和專輯。

Paul, Alexios: 圖書- The Murders of the Phonoi

This book examines crimes and punishment of murder in significant global history. With eleven information-packed chapters, it also informs us about crimes ...

What do you know about phonoi?

2022年2月11日 — Phonoi is a term from Greek mythology, referring to the spirits or personifications of murder. In some accounts, Phonoi are the offspring of ...


The Phonoi were the ancient Greek personified spirits (daimones) of murder, killing and slaughter. Their sisters, the Androctasiae, presided over ...