
THEANDROKTASIAI(Androctasiae)werethefemalespirits(daimones)ofbattlefieldslaughter.TheyweresimilartotheKeresandwerethecompanionsofother ...,InGreekmythology,theAndroctasiaeorAndroktasiaiwerethefemalepersonificationsofmanslaughter.TheAndroctasiae.PersonificationsofSlaughter.,Androktasiai:DirectedbyYufengLi.WithChengTao.Androktasiaiisacombatrobotdesignedtoprotectgoodpeoplefrombadpeople.,Theancien...

ANDROCTASIAE (Androktasiai)

THE ANDROKTASIAI (Androctasiae) were the female spirits (daimones) of battlefield slaughter. They were similar to the Keres and were the companions of other ...


In Greek mythology, the Androctasiae or Androktasiai were the female personifications of manslaughter. The Androctasiae. Personifications of Slaughter.

Androktasiai (Short 2018)

Androktasiai: Directed by Yufeng Li. With Cheng Tao. Androktasiai is a combat robot designed to protect good people from bad people.

Androktasiai - Brass and Iron Wiki

The ancient Battleship Androktasiai was an unstoppable force of imperial vigor, ever victorious in its battles, ever defiant against all odds and fate. And yet, ...

Greek Mythology

The Androktasiai were the personifications of manslaughter in Greek mythology, daughters of the goddess of strife Eris. They had numerous siblings, ...




2019年1月23日 — ... Androktasiai(屠戮女神)、A5-B20-C32 奈克亞Neikea(爭吵女神)、A5-B20-C33 安菲洛格亞Amphilogiai(爭端女神). 希臘神話―神族. 2019/1/23. 文章熱度 179.