

The Bilingual Lens 雙語視界

2019年12月9日 — want to end up with a smashed finger! 手不要靠近門!你不想你手指被壓扁吧! ... painful. 你曾經被門夾過手指嗎?會很痛喔! ... get your fingers crushed?

[生活英文]「手指被門夾到」英文怎麼說? Parents!...

2019年12月9日 — want to end up with a smashed finger! 手不要靠近門!你不想你手指被壓扁吧! ... painful. 你曾經被門夾過手指嗎?會很痛喔! ... get your fingers crushed?


「夾到」的英文怎麼說?夾到的英文是slam; pinch。 - 中英物語ChToEn.


2019年12月11日 — 1. Keep your hands away from the door! You don't want to end up with a smashed finger! 手不要靠近門!


我的手被门夹住了My hand is stuck by the door. 小朋友的手经常会因为意外被门夹住。 Children's hands are always stuck by doors by accident ...全文 ...


手被门夹住的英文翻译. 基本释义. Catch one's finger in the door. 手被门夹住的相关资料:. 临近单词. 手 手刨. 单词手被门夹住的词典定义。@海词词典-最好的学习型 ...


我的手昨天被门缝夹了一下。以下几种译发都行: I had one of my hands clamped between the doors yesterday. One of my hands was pressed from both doors yeterday ...