
uniformsampler2DShadowshadowMap;/*Samplerofthedepthtextureusedforshadow-mapping.*/.outvec4color;/*Outputcolourvariable.*/.#definePI ...,2015年9月24日—Thecodepostedaboveisastrippeddownversionofabiggershader.Myunderstandingisthatpassinganelementofasampler2DShadowarrayas ...,2005年7月10日—Ifyoujustwanttoreadthedepthvalue,it'sprobablysafertousetexture2Dinsteadofshadow2D.shadow2Dreadsthedepthvaluel...

Shadow Mapping

uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMap; /* Sampler of the depth texture used for shadow-mapping. */. out vec4 color; /* Output colour variable. */. #define PI ...

GLSL linker crash with sampler2DShadow array

2015年9月24日 — The code posted above is a stripped down version of a bigger shader. My understanding is that passing an element of a sampler2DShadow array as ...


2005年7月10日 — If you just want to read the depth value, it's probably safer to use texture2D instead of shadow2D. shadow2D reads the depth value like ...

DepthTexture is not binding to sampler2DShadow

2022年7月28日 — The usage of sampler2DShadow does not work since it requires a special texture parameter ( gl.TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE ) to have a specific value ( ...

sampler2DShadow for shadow mapping example. · Issue #3

2017年5月7日 —

GLSL sampler2DShadow deprecated past version 120? ...

I've been trying to implement percentage closer filtering for my shadow mapping as described here Nvidia GPU Gems. When I try to sample my shadow map using ...

How to íterate through an array of sampler2DShadow ...

2019年12月3日 — I want to iterate through an array of sampler2DShadow for a shadow map computation (multiple lights), and it looks like the sampler can be ...

glsl sampler2DShadow and shadow2D clarification

2014年3月15日 — There are three things you must do to generate a depth from a world-space position: · Multiply the world-space position by your (light's) ...

Sampler (GLSL)

2020年12月11日 — Note that shadow sampler types do not add an additional coordinate to gradvec​, so a sampler2DShadow is still vec2. This function works ...


因为,sampler2DShadow 表示四个点的比值,而sampler2D 只能得到一个单一的平均深度和一个布尔型,这对阴影锯齿来说并不理想。 阴影采样器的一个常用场景就是shadow map。