

Biases of the Ear and Eye


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Biases of the Ear and Eye

2020年12月9日 — Derrida criticized a romantic tendency among linguistic and literary theorists to value speech over writing, Homo loquens over Homo scriptor.

Derrida's Mute Philosophy of (Sign) Language

Listening to Phonocentrism with Deaf Eyes: Derrida's Mute Philosophy of (Sign) Language ; arrangements, especially in medicalized educational practices bent on ...

In Jacques Derridas' 'Of Grammatology', what is his critique ...

2023年3月1日 — In Of Grammatology, Jacques Derrida critiques both phonocentrism and logocentrism, which he sees as inherent biases in Western philosophy and ...


The privileging or prioritizing of the acoustic or phonic dimension of language over the graphic or written dimension. As Jacques Derrida demonstrates with ...


Phonocentrism — is the idea that sounds and speech are inherently superior (or more natural ) to the written language. To adherents of this philosophy, spoken ...


The idea that sounds and speech are inherently superior to (or more natural than) written language. quotations ▽. 2015, Minae Mizumura, translated by Mari ...

Phonocentrism and (sign) language

The term phonocentrism, identified by the French philosopher Jacques Derrica, is generally defined as the superiority of speech language (e.g. presence) over ...

Phonocentrism | Psychology Wiki

Phonocentrism is the idea that sounds and speech is inherently superior (or more natural) than written language. To adherents of this philosophy, spoken ...

Phonocentrism: Derrida

A metaphysical privilege attached to the sign as a positive datum enables a positive science of language with a determinate object of study: la langue. ... 139).


2020年12月9日—Derridacriticizedaromantictendencyamonglinguisticandliterarytheoriststovaluespeechoverwriting,HomoloquensoverHomoscriptor.,ListeningtoPhonocentrismwithDeafEyes:Derrida'sMutePhilosophyof(Sign)Language;arrangements,especiallyinmedicalizededucationalpracticesbenton ...,2023年3月1日—InOfGrammatology,JacquesDerridacritiquesbothphonocentrismandlogocentrism,whichheseesasinherentbiasesin...