
Essentially,logocentrismisthedesireforacentreororiginalguaranteeofallmeanings,which,accordingtoDerrida,hascharacterizedWesternphilosophy ...,由GPHendricks著作·2014·被引用7次—Derrida'slogocentrismapproachchallengestheprivilegingofspeechoverwritinginthereferentialsystem,accusingWesterntheologyandphilosophyoffalsely ...,ItreferstothetraditionofWesternscienceandphilosophythatregardswordsandlanguag...


Essentially, logocentrism is the desire for a centre or original guarantee of all meanings, which, according to Derrida, has characterized Western philosophy ...

A Derridarean critique of Logocentrism as opposed to ...

由 GP Hendricks 著作 · 2014 · 被引用 7 次 — Derrida's logocentrism approach challenges the privileging of speech over writing in the referential system, accusing Western theology and philosophy of falsely ...


It refers to the tradition of Western science and philosophy that regards words and language as a fundamental expression of an external reality. It holds the ...

Derrida's Critique of Logocentrism

2016年3月21日 — Derrida identifies in all of Western philosophic traditions, a logocentrism or “metaphysics of presence”. Logocentrism, as manifested in ...

Logocentrism - Fincher

由 W Fincher 著作 · 2007 · 被引用 3 次 — Logocentrism refers to the tendency in western civilization to privilege the linguistic signifier (a spoken or written word) over the ...


2023年12月21日 — Logocentrism encourages us to treat linguistic signs as distinct from and inessential to the phenomena they represent, rather than as… Read More.

Notes on Derrida's Critique of Logocentrism

由 Z Longxi 著作 · 1985 · 被引用 86 次 — logocentrism is a property of the West.... Although something of the. Chinese ... of logocentrism. A more fundamental question that necessarily foll is ...


Tedlock, D 1979, 『Beyond logocentrism: trace and voice among the Quiché Maya』, Boundary 2, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 321–333. 外部連結 編輯 · Biases of the Ear and ...