
JSZip·newJSZip()orJSZip()·JSZip#file(name)·JSZip#file(regex)·JSZip#file(name,data[,options])·JSZip#folder(name)·JSZip#folder(regex)·JSZip# ...,Returns:ThecurrentJSZipobject,forchaining.Since:v1.0.0.Arguments.name,type,description.name,string,then...

file(name, data [,options])

Returns:ThecurrentJSZipobject,forchaining.Since:v1.0.0.Arguments.name,type,description.name,string,thenameofthefile ...

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JSZip · new JSZip() or JSZip() · JSZip#file(name) · JSZip#file(regex) · JSZip#file(name, data [,options]) · JSZip#folder(name) · JSZip#folder(regex) · JSZip# ...

file(name, data [,options])

Returns : The current JSZip object, for chaining. Since: v1.0.0. Arguments. name, type, description. name, string, the name of the file ...

How to read a file

If the browser supports the FileReader API, you can use it to read a zip file. JSZip can read ArrayBuffer, so you can use FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(Blob) , ...

How to use JSZip

An instance of JSZip represents a set of files. You can add them, remove them, modify them. You can also import an existing zip file or generate one.


JSZip is a javascript library for creating, reading and editing .zip files, with a lovely and simple API. Current version : v3.


An instance of JSZip represents a set of files. You can add them, remove them, modify them. You can also import an existing zip file or generate one.

loadAsync(data [, options])

loadAsync(data [, options]). Read an existing zip and merge the data in the current JSZip object at the current folder level.


JSZip. A library for creating, reading and editing .zip files with JavaScript, with a lovely and simple API. See https://stuk.github.io/jszip for all the ...

使用JavaScript的JSZip.js 读取和打包zip文件



JSZip·newJSZip()orJSZip()·JSZip#file(name)·JSZip#file(regex)·JSZip#file(name,data[,options])·JSZip#folder(name)·JSZip#folder(regex)·JSZip# ...,Returns:ThecurrentJSZipobject,forchaining.Since:v1.0.0.Arguments.name,type,description.name,string,thenameofthefile ...,IfthebrowsersupportstheFileReaderAPI,youcanuseittoreadazipfile.JSZipcanreadArrayBuffer,soyoucanuseFileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(Blob),...