


GingeRx shots are USDA Organic, 100% Juice, and don't require refrigeration. Where energy and wellness UNITE. ⚡️ SHOP NOW on our website & Amazon.

GINGERX-Organic Ginger Drink (spicedforyou)

GINGERX-Organic Ginger Drink | Premium Quality Organic Ginger Powder and GingeRx-an instant ginger based drink mix for health conscious people. Natural.

GingeRx 薑汁橙味| 12 入2.5 液體盎司(約2.5 毫升) 瓶裝

保持真實有機。 GingeRx 致力於僅使用有機產品。 · 免疫系統支援。 橙子、蘋果、菠蘿和柑橘均富含抗氧化維生素C,這對於健康的免疫系統至關重要。 · 富含維他命的薑汁。 生薑 ...


GingeRx is an organic 100% juice energy and wellness shot. It is shelf stable and full of vitamins a. ????. Follow. ????. Posts.

GINGERX LIMITED overview - Companies House

GINGERX LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, ...

Stacy Orosz - Chief Executive Officer

GingeRx is a wellness energy brand that makes 100% juice shots that are shelf stable for up to 18 months. GingeRx is organic and free from any additives or ...

GingeRx 生薑射擊多種口味 GingeRx 生薑射擊多種口味| 6 入2.5 液體盎司(約2.5 毫升)瓶裝| USDA 有機薑汁| 增強和支持免疫健康| 100% 天然純果汁,適合成人和兒童| 冰沙混合能量: ...