Enable Viacam 2.0.1 用眼球來操控滑鼠,未來科技新體驗
Enable Viacam 2.0.1 用眼球來操控滑鼠,未來科技新體驗


Enable Viacam. Free webcam based mouse emulator.


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eviacam download. eviacam 2016-11-04 22:46:19.821000 free download. eviacam webcam based mouse emulator SourceForge Browse Enterprise Blog Deals Help Create Log In or Join Solution Centers Go Parallel ...

Enable Viacam. Emulador de ratolí via webcam.

Enable Viacam (eViacam) es una aplicación gratuita que sustituye la funcionalidad del ratón permitiendo mover el puntero a partir del movimiento de la cabeza.

Enable Viacam. Emulador de ratón vía webcam.

Enable Viacam (eViacam) es una aplicación gratuita que sustituye la funcionalidad del ratón permitiendo mover el puntero a partir del movimiento de la cabeza.

Chocolatey Gallery

Discussion for the Enable Viacam Package Ground rules: This discussion is only about Enable Viacam and the Enable Viacam package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the google group. This discussion will carry over multiple ...

Download Enable Viacam

Description Enable Viacam (eViacam) is a free open source software that allows you to move the mouse with your head. This application is useful, especially for people with disabilities. The only requirement is a webcam and that's it. Main features of

Enable Viacam Download - Softpedia

Enable Viacam is a practical and reliable application designed as a mouse replacement utility that moves the cursor as you move your head via webcam. The working environment is composed of three components namely Main window, Click window and Task bar ...

Enable Viacam User's Manual

Introduction. Enable Viacam (aka eViacam) is a free mouse replacement software that moves the pointer as you move your head. It works on standard PCs ...

Enable Viacam - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

Enable Viacam(eViacam)是一個替代鼠標的程序,使用常見的攝像頭跟蹤用戶頭部移動。 ... Enable Viacam - 通過頭部動作來控制電腦鼠標的神奇軟件!科幻般的人 ...


Switch Viacam Free webcam based switch emulator DMouse Camera Mouse Deals Thanks for helping keep SourceForge clean. Screenshot instructions: Windows Mac Red Hat Linux Ubuntu Click URL instructions: → (This may not be possible with some X ...

Enable Viacam. Webcam emulatore di mouse.

Enable Viacam (eViacam) è un programma che sostituisce la funzionalità del mouse permettendo di muovere il puntatore con il movimento della testa.

Enable Viacam 2.0.1 用眼球來操控滑鼠,未來科技新體驗

Enable Viacam 2.0.1 用眼球來操控滑鼠,未來科技新體驗

使用 Windows 大家習慣用滑鼠操控,使用 Mac 大家習慣用觸控板操控,使用手機平板大家用手指操作,不變的的就是都要動手,Enable Viacam 給你不同的操作方式,用眼球與頭部動作來操控滑鼠,這感覺好像是科技電影裡面的情節,如今你也可以自己試試看,會不會讓你工作更方便呢?



免安裝版:(執行 bin/eviacam.exe)
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檔案大小:7.75 MB

Enable Viacam

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