
忽發奇想.new.忽發奇想的英文翻譯.基本釋義.suddenlyhituponawildidea;suddenlyharbouradream;suddenlycomeuponstrangenotion.參考釋義.忽發奇想[hū ...,2012年9月26日—【片語單元】hinkup突發奇想同義詞是dreamuplineup排隊,設法取得.,我常常突发奇想,在房子里舞蹈。Ioftendancearoundthehouseonawhim.,突发奇想...(thequalityofoftenhaving)asuddenandusuallysillywishtohaveordosomething,orasuddenandsillychangeofmindor...


忽發奇想. new. 忽發奇想的英文翻譯. 基本釋義. suddenly hit upon a wild idea; suddenly harbour a dream; suddenly come up on strange notion. 參考釋義. 忽發奇想 [hū ...

每日單字- 【片語單元】 hink up 突發奇想同義詞是 ...

2012年9月26日 — 【片語單元】 hink up 突發奇想同義詞是dream up line up 排隊, 設法取得.


我常常突发奇想,在房子里舞蹈。 I often dance around the house on a whim.

突发奇想| 簡體中文-英文翻譯-劍橋字典

突发奇想 ... (the quality of often having) a sudden and usually silly wish to have or do something, or a sudden and silly change of mind or behaviour:.

突發奇想| 繁體中文-英文翻譯-劍橋字典

to suddenly decide to do something, often something silly or surprising: Anyway, they took it into their heads to get married.

"突发奇想" in English

Translation for '突发奇想' in the free Chinese-English dictionary and many other English translations.


2012年12月12日 — 請問?”突發奇想?”的英文是什麼?? · 全民大試用時代 · 看完文章大家都在問. 來看其他網友 ...


2012年7月6日 — 突发奇想的英文: swift imagination. 参考例句:. After months of futile labor, the scientist suddenly had a brainstorm and solved the problem ...


【突發奇想】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:inspiration靈感; 鼓舞人心的人或事; 啟發靈感的人(或事物); 吸氣;whim一時的興致; 突然的念頭; 怪念頭,奇想; ...


突发奇想 ()— · suddenly have a thought [idiom.] · suddenly be inspired do something · See also: ...