
VueScanistheworld'smostwidelyusedsoftwareinterfacefordigitizingfilmandprintsonflatbedandfilmscanners.Thispowerfulyetaffordableprogram ...,vuescan價格推薦共4筆商品。還有T-ForceVulcanZ火神Z512GB、VULCANTUFDDR4、十銓T-ForceVulcanZ、tforcevulcanz、neoflamvulcan。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站 ...,VueScaniscompatiblewith7743scannersfrom42manufacturersonWindows,MacOSXandLinux.,ProfessionalEditionOneTimePurc...

The VueScan Bible

VueScan is the world's most widely used software interface for digitizing film and prints on flatbed and film scanners. This powerful yet affordable program ...

Vuescan的價格推薦- 2024年3月

vuescan價格推薦共4筆商品。還有T-Force Vulcan Z 火神Z 512GB、VULCAN TUF DDR 4、十銓T-Force Vulcan Z、t force vulcan z、neoflam vulcan。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站 ...

Supported Scanners

VueScan is compatible with 7743 scanners from 42 manufacturers on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

Purchase VueScan for macOS, Windows, and Linux

Professional Edition One Time Purchase. Most popular. $119.95. $19.95 /mo. The most powerful controls for all your scanners. Flatbed Scanning; Save to JPG, ...


VueScan is a computer program for image scanning, especially of photographs, including negatives. It supports optical character recognition (OCR) of text ...

在Linux 上安裝VueScan

VueScan is an application for scanning documents, photos, film, and slides on Windows, macOS, and Linux. VueScan supports over 6000 scanners from 42 ...

VueScan Scanner Software for macOS, Windows, and Linux

VueScan is the easiest way to get your scanner working on macOS, Windows and more. VueScan includes a driver for your scanner even though it isn't support ...

VueScan Professional 9.8.29 多國語言免安裝


Alternate Versions of VueScan Scanner Software

VueScan 9.8.30 was released on March 21, 2024, and you can read about what's new in this version. You can get more information in the Release Notes.


2020年2月6日 — VueScan掃描軟體是著名的第三方掃描軟體,與SilverFast 齊名,可與大部分的掃描機一起使用,支援平台掃描器、平台帶光罩掃描器、雙平台掃描器、底片 ...