


例句 · This one is done by a master tailor. · He bailed the woolen cloth to the tailor to be made into an overcoat. · He has all his suits made to order.


Voith automation is a tailor-made product to meet individual demands. 福伊特的自动化是为满足专业需求而定制的产品。


例句 · This one is done by a master tailor. · He bailed the woolen cloth to the tailor to be made into an overcoat. · He has all his suits made to order.


TAILOR-MADE的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. specially made for a particular purpose: 2. to have all the right skills and abilities for a…。了解更多。


tailor-made 例句. The tailor-made suit was a perfect fit.


tailor-made中文. 發音: 用tailor-made造句. adj. 1.縫制得講究的;服裝講究、大方的。 2.定做的。 3.香煙機卷的〔自卷之對〕。 tailor made: 定做的; 特制的; 天造地設 ...

用"tailor made"造句

例句與造句 · The tailor made a suit to my own measure · He had the old tailor make / making a new coat for him · All tailor made clothes can buy or lease · E ?

tailor made翻譯及用法

tailor made中文的意思、翻譯及用法:特制的定做的。英漢詞典提供【tailor made】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.


来自柯林斯词典的例句. Each client's portfolio is tailor-made. He was tailor-made, it was said, for the task ahead. These questions were tailor-made for ...

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Privacy Eraser Free 6.8.2 隱私清理不留痕跡
