
来自柯林斯语料库的例句·Youmayrecallthatweelectedourrepresentativestoitonlylastyear.·Hestillrecallsthatexperiencewithashudder.,recall的用法和样例:.例句.用作名词(n.)Doyouhaveanyrecallofthatmeeting?你还记得那次会见吗?Thenewlawisnowestablishedbeyondrecall.新法律现已 ...,例句與造句.Mypowersofrecallarenotwhattheywere.我的記憶力已大不如前。Thewomenrecalledterriblescenes.女客們想起了駭人聽聞的場面。,...


来自柯林斯语料库的例句 · You may recall that we elected our representatives to it only last year. · He still recalls that experience with a shudder.


recall的用法和样例:. 例句. 用作名词 (n.) Do you have any recall of that meeting? 你还记得那次会见吗? The new law is now established beyond recall. 新法律现已 ...


例句與造句. My powers of recall are not what they were . 我的記憶力已大不如前。 The women recalled terrible scenes . 女客們想起了駭人聽聞的場面。


例句: · Her recall of the conversation was different from mine. · His recall of past events is remarkable. · I have many happy recalls of our time together.


RECALL的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to bring the memory of a past event into your mind, and often to give a description of what you…。了解更多。

recall (【名詞】) 意思、用法及發音

recall 例句. His recall of his early childhood is quite incredible. recall 相關課程教材. I recall my childhood. 我想到我小時候,. 瀏覽教材. The recall ...

Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫

大使被召回。 She recalled her promise. 她取消了約言。 The dead can not be recalled to life. 死者不能復活。 Parliament was hastily recalled from recess. 休會的 ...


The ambassador was recalled when war broke out. 戰爭爆發後大使就被召回了。 The company recalled thousands of jars of baby food after a salmonella scare.


recall的用法和樣例:. 例句. 用作名詞 (n.) Do you have any recall of that meeting? 你還記得那次會見嗎? The new law is now established beyond recall. 新法律現已 ...

recALL 19.05 最強大的序號與密碼探測工具

recALL 19.05 最強大的序號與密碼探測工具
