
2017年6月22日—Gifsicle是個功能強大的GIF處理程式,使用命令列視窗來執行,可以將許多張圖合成一張GIF動畫、查詢GIF的size(包括各frame)、,HereyouwillfindmyWindowsbinariesofGifsicle, ...,gifsiclemanipulatesGIFimagefilesinmanydifferentways.Dependingoncommandlineoptions,itcanmergeseveralGIFsintoaGIFanimation; ...,Gi...

Gifsicle 和Giflossy(Gifsicle的一個Github Fork) (nmake ...

2017年6月22日 — Gifsicle是個功能強大的GIF處理程式,使用命令列視窗來執行, 可以將許多張圖合成一張GIF動畫、 查詢GIF的size (包括各frame)、

Gifsicle for Windows

Here you will find my Windows binaries of Gifsicle, a command-line utility for working with GIF images. - Gifsicle 1.94 for 32-bit ...


gifsicle manipulates GIF image files in many different ways. Depending on command line options, it can merge several GIFs into a GIF animation; ...


Gifsicle. TravisCI status. Gifsicle manipulates GIF image files. Depending on command line options, it can merge several GIFs into a GIF animation; ...


Python package wrapping the gifsicle library for editing and optimizing gifs. How do I install this package? As usual, just download it using pip:

Gifsicle Man Page

gifsicle is a powerful command-line program for creating, editing, manipulating, and getting information about GIF images and animations. ... Use options like -- ...

Gifsicle: Command

Gifsicle is a powerful, simple command line tool for creating, editing, and optimizing animated GIFs.


2022年5月18日 — gifsicle wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency. Latest version: 7.0.1, last published: 2 years ago.

Ubuntu 16.04 ESM:Gifsicle 弱點(USN-4803

2023年10月23日 — 遠端Ubuntu 16.04 ESM 主機上安裝的一個套件受到USN-4803-1 公告中提及的多個弱點影響。 - Gifsicle gifview 1.89 和更舊版本容易受到read_gif 函式中 ...

QGifer 0.2.1 - 將影片轉檔成動態圖檔

QGifer 0.2.1 - 將影片轉檔成動態圖檔
