
2019年4月18日—Here'sBeesexual!Theunexpectedawarenesscampaignlaunchedby@pornhubandimaginedby@betcparistoraiseawarenessaroundthedeclining,2019年5月9日—Pornhub-BeesexualCase.2.5Kviews·4yearsago...more.BETCParis.8.63K.Subscribe.19.Share.Save.,Theidea?ThatNatureisbeesexual”,meaningthatmostplantsneedbeestoreproduce.Withthisnewchannel,Internetuserscanenjoyanewgenreofporn ...,Idea.Wecreatedawholenewge...

Here's "Beesexual"! The unexpected awareness campaign ...

2019年4月18日 — Here's Beesexual! The unexpected awareness campaign launched by @pornhub and imagined by @betcparis to raise awareness around the declining


2019年5月9日 — Pornhub - Beesexual Case. 2.5K views · 4 years ago ...more. BETC Paris. 8.63K. Subscribe. 19. Share. Save.

Beesexual, or porn to save the bees

The idea? That Nature is beesexual”, meaning that most plants need bees to reproduce. With this new channel, Internet users can enjoy a new genre of porn ...


Idea. We created a whole new genre of porn on Pornhub called 'Beesexual'. We turned short videos of foraging bees into what they really are: ...


We created BEESEXUAL, an entirely new genre of porn that turns videos of bees pollinating plants into what they really are: hilarious, kinky, nature porn.


2019年5月19日 — 成人情色網站Pornhub 是「愛情動作片」集散地,因此推出蜜蜂成人片BeeSexual 也是件很正常的事情。只是…

Pornhub's Beesexual Campaign Buzzes With Beerotica To ...

2019年4月17日 — Pornhub is raising awareness to the dwindling bee population and the conservation of such through its Beesexual campaign.

看A 片救地球!Pornhub 上傳《BeeSexual》,聽男女優模仿 ...

2019年4月30日 — 「BeeSexual」是指蜜蜂的性愛影片,但它不是指蜜蜂交配、繁衍後代,而是敘述花朵與蜜蜂之間的關係。這是因為美麗的花朵是植物的生殖器官,想要結果、 ...

BeeSexual 10大主題消息,聚焦商業投資世界
