




The ankh or key of life is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol used to represent the word for life and, by extension, as a symbol of life itself.

Egyptian Ankh | Meaning & Symbol

The ankh is a symbol originating in ancient Egypt. It is also known as the key of life or key of the Nile and can symbolize both life and life after death.


《Ankh: Gods of Egypt 安卡:埃及眾神》是一款2~5 人的策略遊戲,背景是描述古埃及神話。每位玩家扮演古埃及神靈,接收人民的奉獻,成為埃及唯一之神。你能修建紀念碑,更 ...

埃及珠寶銀色Akhenaten Ankh 墜飾

這款手工製作的純銀ankh of life 墜飾,特色為埃及神阿肯那頓(底部) 和Isis 與她的翅膀蔓延(頂部)。 查看更少. 珠寶資訊. 品牌、賣家或收藏名稱, KemetArt.

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ANKH - Egyptian Symbol of Life

2015年11月5日 — The ankh symbol—sometimes referred to as the key of life or the key of the nile—is representative of eternal life in Ancient Egypt. Created by ...

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