
PutyourheadabovethecloudsandembarkonthefirstUpworldadventure,TheForest'sCurse.AvailablenowoniOSandAndroid.,It'sfun,it'ssimpleandit'sbrutal.TakecontrolofoneoffourDeities,eachwithdifferentplaystyles,abilitiesandpowers.,GooglePlay上「22cans」的Android應用程式.遊戲·應用程式·影視·圖書·兒童...22cans.4.2star.GooglePlay.PlayPass·PlayPoints·礼品卡·兑换·退款 ...


Put your head above the clouds and embark on the first Upworld adventure, The Forest's Curse. Available now on iOS and Android.


It's fun, it's simple and it's brutal. Take control of one of four Deities, each with different play styles, abilities and powers.

Google Play 上「22cans」的Android 應用程式

Google Play 上「22cans」的Android 應用程式. 遊戲 · 應用程式 · 影視 · 圖書 · 兒童 ... 22cans. 4.2star. Google Play. Play Pass · Play Points · 礼品卡 · 兑换 · 退款 ...