
View,organize,andsharephotosandvideoswithiCloudPhotosontheweb.ChangeswillsyncacrossyourdeviceswithiCloud.,Google相簿可供你集中存放所有相片和影片,系統會自動幫你分門別類,方便你分享這些內容。-「地球上最棒的相片產品」-TheVerge-「Google相簿是你必備的最新相片 ...,GooglePhotosisasmarterhomeforallyourphotosandvideos,madeforthewayyoutakephotostoday.“ThebestphotoproductonEarth”–TheVerge ...,View,organ...

iCloud Photos

View, organize, and share photos and videos with iCloud Photos on the web. Changes will sync across your devices with iCloud.

Google 相簿

Google 相簿可供你集中存放所有相片和影片,系統會自動幫你分門別類,方便你分享這些內容。 -「地球上最棒的相片產品」- The Verge -「Google 相簿是你必備的最新相片 ...

在App Store 上的「Google Photos」

Google Photos is a smarter home for all your photos and videos, made for the way you take photos today. “The best photo product on Earth” – The Verge ...

Microsoft Photos

View, organize, and share photos from your PC, OneDrive, iCloud Photos (only on Windows 11) and other devices all from one fast, beautiful gallery. Viewing your ...

Google Photos Help

Official Google Photos Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Photos and other answers to frequently asked questions.


在Android 裝置上備份及查看相片。 適用於電腦. 下載Google 雲端硬碟電腦版. 透過Google 雲端硬碟將相片從電腦自動備份至Google 相簿. Windows. Windows 10 +.


She took lots of photos of the kids. 她拍了很多孩子的照片。 holiday/wedding photos 假期/婚禮照片 ... We've put the best wedding photos into an album. photo-.

Google Photos

Google Photos is the home for all your photos and videos, automatically organized and easy to share.

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Home for all your photos and videos, automatically organized and easy to share.