
Decred的即時價格為每(DCR/USD)$14.18,目前的市值為$224.09MUSD。24小時交易量為$936,008.11USD。DCR兌換USD價格為即時更新。Decred的價格變動過去24 ...,DecredisaLayer1#DAOconstructedaroundthreecorepiecesofinfrastructure:-Politeia,Decred'sproposalsystem.-CMS,Decred'scontractorplatform.,Decred(DCR)isacryptocurrencylaunchedin2016.UsersareabletogenerateDCRthroughtheprocessofmining.Decredhasacurrentsupply...

Decred 價格| DCR 價格指標、線上聊天和TWD 兌換器

Decred 的即時價格為每(DCR / USD) $ 14.18,目前的市值為$ 224.09M USD。24 小時交易量為 $ 936,008.11 USD。 DCR 兌換USD 價格為即時更新。 Decred 的價格變動過去24 ...

Decred (@decredproject) X

Decred is a Layer 1 #DAO constructed around three core pieces of infrastructure: - Politeia, Decred's proposal system. - CMS, Decred's contractor platform.

Decred ETH (DCR

Decred (DCR) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2016. Users are able to generate DCR through the process of mining. Decred has a current supply of ...

簡單認識Decred (DCR,Decentralized Credit Overview)

2019年8月12日 — Decred意思為去中心化的加密貨幣,強調的特色為:社群投入公開治理永續地資金與開發複合型的驗證機制同時採用「工作量證明(PoW)」和「權益 ...


Decred 是拥有社区自治的数字货币。通过混合共识系统,使利益相关者可以制定规则,将其构建为去中心化、可持续和社区自治的数字货币。

Decred (DCR) 價格、圖表、市值及其他指標

DCR 到TWD 價格為即時更新。 Decred 在過去24 小時內下跌了13.09 。 目前在CoinMarketCap 的排名為#168,市值為NT$8,600,484,765 TWD 。 流通供給量為15,813,959 DCR 單位 ...

Decred — Money Evolved

Decred is an autonomous digital currency. With a hybrid consensus system, it is built to be a decentralized, sustainable, and self-ruling currency where ...


當今Decred (DCR)的價格為US$21.08,24小時交易量為$28,218,175.14。此為最近24小時內47.54%的價格增加,以及最近7 天內37.85%的價格增加。依據15.81 百万DCR的可用供應量 ...

Decred USD (DCR

Decred (DCR) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2016. Users are able to generate DCR through the process of mining. Decred has a current supply of ...

DCRUSD圖表和行情- Decred
