

Cookie Clicker

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Cookie Clicker

An idle game about making cookies! Originally released in 2013 on the web, and actively developed since then. This is the official version for Steam.

Cookie Clicker

6 天前 — 點擊收集餅乾,在網頁中賺取升級並建立你的餅乾帝國!

Cookie Clicker on Steam

An idle game about making cookies! Originally released in 2013 on the web, and actively developed since then. This is the official version for Steam.

Cookie Clicker

原創閒置遊戲。烘烤餅乾來統治宇宙! 這是Orteil & Opti 的官方Cookie Clicker 應用程式。不接受任何替代品! • 點擊製作cookies,然後購買為您製作cookies 的東西。

Cookie Clicker

一開始,玩家透過點擊螢幕左方的大餅乾來賺取1餅乾,漸漸地累積足夠的餅乾後可以購買物品,如餅乾奶奶、農場、礦場、工廠等,藉此增加生產效率。不論是僱傭餅乾老太婆還是 ...

Cookie Clicker 哈啦板

歡迎來到Cookie Clicker哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特!


Cookie Clicker is a very fun clicking game, earn in game coin while clicking and upgrade your click style to get even more coin!

Cookie Clicker

Accept no substitutes! • Tap to make cookies, then buy things that make cookies for you. Then tap some more! • Hundreds of upgrades and achievements to unlock.

IECookiesView 1.77 如何查看修改 IE 的 Cookies?

IECookiesView 1.77 如何查看修改 IE 的 Cookies?
