
WhatisAutoruns64.exe?,CollectingMicrosoftAutorunslogs·OpenthezippedfolderandrunAutoruns.exefor32-bitoperatingsystemsorAutoruns64.exefor64-bitoperatingsystems.,Thisutilityincludesall-inclusiveknowledgeofallauto-startinglocationsofanystartupmonitor.ItdisplaysthoseentriesintheorderWindowsprocesses ...,2023年9月3日—Doyouhaveany3rdpartyantivirusinstalled?Trytemporarilydisablingthat.BEX64isadataexec...


What is Autoruns64.exe?

Use Microsoft Autoruns to locate undetected malware

Collecting Microsoft Autoruns logs · Open the zipped folder and run Autoruns.exe for 32-bit operating systems or Autoruns64.exe for 64-bit operating systems.

Download Autoruns

This utility includes all-inclusive knowledge of all auto-starting locations of any startup monitor. It displays those entries in the order Windows processes ...

Autoruns64 crashes immediately on windows 10 Home

2023年9月3日 — Do you have any 3rd party antivirus installed? Try temporarily disabling that. BEX64 is a data execution prevention crash. On my Win10 Home VM, ...


5 天前 — Autoruns, free download for Windows. Powerful utility for managing Windows startup programs and services. Easily manage startup items ...

Autoruns for Windows

2023年10月11日 — 查看當您的系統開機和登入時,哪些程式設定為自動啟動。

Autoruns64.exe Windows process

Autoruns64.exe is an executable file that is part of the Autoruns software developed by Sysinternals. This software is designed to show you which programs ...

超好用的微軟開機管理工具《Autoruns》13.52版(含64位元 ...

下載Autoruns.zip後,可看到裡面有一個說明檔及4個執行檔,autoruns.exe及Autoruns64.exe (64位元)是視窗界面用,autorunsc.exe及autorunsc64.exe則是命令提示字元模式使用 ...