
AdChoicesisaself-regulatoryprogramforonlineinterest-basedadvertisingthatexistsintheUnitedStates,CanadaandacrossEurope.,AdformAllowsInternetUserstoOptoutof·cookie-basedtargetedadvertisementsusingAdformtechnologyforonlinebehaviouraladvertisements(OBAs), ...,Inanefforttoprovideclearchoiceandinformationtousersabouttheadstheysee,adsthatappearoncertainsitesontheGoogleDisplayNetworkshowan ...,2023年1...


AdChoices is a self-regulatory program for online interest-based advertising that exists in the United States, Canada and across Europe.


Adform Allows Internet Users to Opt out of · cookie-based targeted advertisements using Adform technology for online behavioural advertisements (OBAs), ...

AdChoices for the Google Display Network

In an effort to provide clear choice and information to users about the ads they see, ads that appear on certain sites on the Google Display Network show an ...

AdChoices icon and overlay

2023年12月15日 — AdChoices (also referred to as Why this Ad?) is a transparency feature that explains to users why they are being shown a particular ad and ...

Ads by Goolge = AdChoices ?

2011年6月7日 — 如果最近有去逛國外的網站時,有和阿舍一樣看到廣告裡的右上角出現了一個三角型,點下去之後會出現AdChoices 的字眼,那就不用去想這是那一家新的 ...

Google 多媒體廣告聯播網中的AdChoices 圖示

對於向使用者顯示的廣告,Google 的原則是提供明確的選擇和清楚的資訊。因此,某些刊登在Google 多媒體廣告聯播網網站的廣告會帶有廣告服務通知圖示(例如「AdChoices」 ...

What is YourAdChoices? The Icon is a tool that lets you know when information about your interests may be collected or used for relevant advertising. It ...

Put the AdChoices Icon to Work for You. Use the Icon to understand when information about your interests is being collected or used—and by which—companies ...


2019年10月7日 — AdChoices 是在美國、加拿大和歐洲開發和運行的程式,旨在保護使用者的隱私,並在使用者被基於流覽歷史記錄的廣告定位時控制其數據。(這通常稱為基於興趣的 ...


2016年11月22日 — 請問要如何不顯示AdChoices - 瀏覽器查資料常常出現廣告請問有辦法不顯示AdChoices?謝謝(電腦安全第1頁)