Inamergeddocument,theMERGERECfielddisplaystheordinalpositionofthecurrentdatarecord.Thenumberreflectsanysortingorfilteringthatyou ...,ShowshowtouseMERGERECandMERGESEQfieldstothenumberandcountmailmergerecordsinamailmerge'soutputdocuments.CopyDocumentdoc= ...,MergeRecfield·MergeSeqfield.N.Nextfield·NextIffield·NoteReffield·NumCharsfield·NumPagesfield·NumWordsfield.P.Pagefield·PageReffield.,2023年...

Field codes: MERGEREC field

In a merged document, the MERGEREC field displays the ordinal position of the current data record . The number reflects any sorting or filtering that you ...

FieldMergeRec Class

Shows how to use MERGEREC and MERGESEQ fields to the number and count mail merge records in a mail merge's output documents. Copy Document doc = ...

List of field codes in Word

MergeRec field · MergeSeq field. N. Next field · NextIf field · NoteRef field · NumChars field · NumPages field · NumWords field. P. Page field · PageRef field.

MailMergeFields.AddMergeRec 方法(Word)

2023年4月6日 — MERGEREC 功能變數的位置。 傳回值. MailMergeField. 註解. MERGEREC 功能變數會在合併列印期間插入目前記錄的號碼(此記錄在目前查詢結果中的位置)。


MergeRec. In a mail merge, the MERGEREC field adds a record number to each document. Note. Insert MERGEREC fields as part of the mail merge process by choosing ...


Word Reference - Microsoft Office Add-ins and Consultancy. One website for all Microsoft Office Users and Developers.

Word 中的功能變數代碼清單

MergeRec 功能變數 · MergeSeq 功能變數. N. Next 功能變數 · NextIf 功能變數 · NoteRef 功能變數 · NumChars 功能變數 · NumPages 功能變數 · NumWords 功能變數. P.

Word) (WdFieldType 列舉

2023年4月6日 — MergeRec 功能變數。 wdFieldMergeSeq, 75, MergeSeq 功能變數。 wdFieldNext, 41, Next 功能變數。 wdFieldNextIf, 42, NextIf 功能變數。