



FastPreview 使用滑鼠右鍵來預覽相片的縮圖與資訊

如何使用FastPreview? 1.下載、安裝,開啟FastPreview 後,便可使用,開啟存放相片的資料夾,使用滑鼠右鍵點擊任一相片,便可縮圖預覽。

FastPreview 4.1 Free Download for Windows 10, 8, 7

FastPreview is a simple, no-hassle image viewing solution. FastPreview was created in need of a usable PicaView replacement which was discontinued at the time ...

FastPreview (64-Bit)

2013年3月15日 — FastPreview (64-Bit) is a handy tool to display images in a fast manner and is an alternative to the functionality Windows has built-in.


免费地下载Windows 平台的FastPreview,它是来自开发商Nils Maier 最受欢迎的应用之一。. 在Uptodown.com上找到它.

FastPreview Download

2023年11月30日 — FastPreview is a 'PicaView' replacement program that allows you to display images in a fast manner. The images are scaled to fit the screen when ...

FastPreview 3.3.1

FastPreview 是在由Nils Maier開發類別Miscellaneous Shareware 軟體。 最新版本是FastPreview 的3.3.1 2020/10/27 上釋放。 它最初被添加到我們的資料庫2008/ ...

FastPreview — A PicaView replacement

FastPreview was created in need of a usable PicaView replacement which was discontinued at the time. It is now a pretty handy tool to display images in a ...

FastPreview 藏在右鍵選單的看圖軟體,右鍵預覽相片縮圖與 ...



2014年5月8日 — FastPreview is an easy to use application for image viewing that offers tools for image rescaling, canvas rotation and thumbnail preview.