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Brightcove 雲端應用程式

Brightcove 雲端應用程式. 您必須以超級管理員的身分登入才能執行這項工作。 您可以使用安全宣告標記語言(SAML),讓使用者透過Google Cloud 憑證登入企業雲端應用程式。


Brightcove offers a scalable, reliable, and secure streaming platform that allows organizations to host, share, and stream video content. Get a demo today.

Brightcove Player

Create totally immersive experiences with the fastest HTML5 player in the industry and a management system that makes publishing a breeze.

The Best Video Platform Solution

Brightcove provides a reliable, scalable, and secure video platform used by companies and organizations around the world. Learn how Brightcove can help you ...

Brightcove與易用性和功能性首屈一指的視訊創作工具 ...

2021年7月15日 — Brightcove開發了曾經被視為異想天開的技術,毫無保留地為客戶提供的支援,並利用在全球基礎建設方面的專業知識和資源來實現這一目標。視訊是世界上最引人 ...

Brightcove將為Yahoo Inc.的全球串流能力提供助力

2023年8月1日 — Brightcove的科技解決方案將為Yahoo提供最佳化的視訊點播(VOD)發佈和交付工作流程、即時串流和線性功能、盈利解決方案以及業界領先的播放機和應用程式框架 ...


Brightcove creates the world's most reliable, scalable, and secure streaming technology solutions to build a greater connection between companies and their ...


透過Video Cloud,您可以提供快速、創新、類似電視的現成體驗,動態插入伺服器端廣告以獲得最大收益,並隨時隨地觸及受眾。視頻雲工作室允許您管理跨桌面,平板電腦和移動 ...