
其实要说网上翻的也没有什么大错误,就是洗掉化妆品嘛,不过要翻译显示中文的意境的话,我觉得还是:showoneselfunmasked.or:removeallmakeupsandrevealthe ...,Washoutlead.Theoriginalhereisanidiom(铅华洗尽)whichtranslatesto“washingawayleadflowers”,referringtoancientlead-basedmake-up.it'spart ...,2019年11月9日—洗尽铅华(xǐjǐnqiānhuá)Definitionof洗尽铅华xǐjìnqiānhuá,指从低俗中脱离出来,一种世俗的改变。洗...


其实要说网上翻的也没有什么大错误,就是洗掉化妆品嘛,不过要翻译显示中文的意境的话,我觉得还是: show oneself unmasked. or: remove all makeups and reveal the ...

Translation of 洗尽铅华 from Chinese into English

Wash out lead. The original here is an idiom (铅华洗尽) which translates to “washing away lead flowers”, referring to ancient lead-based make-up. it's part ...

What is the meaning of "洗尽铅华"?

2019年11月9日 — 洗尽铅华(xǐ jǐn qiān huá) Definition of 洗尽铅华xǐ jìn qiān huá,指从低俗中脱离出来,一种世俗的改变。 洗掉伪装世俗的外表,不施粉黛, ...


从你洗尽铅华的英文翻译. 基本释义. Since you washed the lead powder used in cosmetics off the face. 从你洗尽铅华的相关资料:. 临近单词.


從你洗盡鉛華的英文翻譯. 基本釋義. Since you washed the lead powder used in cosmetics off the face. 從你洗盡鉛華的相關資料:. 臨近單詞.

洗尽铅华(xǐ jìn qiān huá) Definition & Meaning

洗尽铅华. ReadWriteQuiz. Chinese dictionary. Show pinyinHide pinyin. wash off ... 也许岁月可以改变生活,也许时间可以洗尽铅华,但永远不会改变可贵的人间真情。


洗掉伪装世俗的外表,不施粉黛,不藏心机,具有清新脱俗、淡雅如菊的气质。对应英文:Wash the camouflage secular appearance, no prostitute, don't hide one's brains, ...


洗尽铅华用英语怎么说,洗尽铅华的英语翻译:wash all the attachments.


2012年6月9日 — #4. 1 铅华终被洗尽is a refer to 洗净铅华。 means a lady grows old or no longer pretty 2 亦舒is a chinese female poet. 亦舒么meansis this ...