
一、你明天上班吗的英文1.Willyougotoworktomorrow?2.Areyougoingtoworktomorrow?3.Areyougonnagotoworktomorrow?二、Will和begoingto结构的区别1 ...,2018年11月11日—doyouneedtoworktomorrow?doyouneedtoworktomorrow?Seeatranslation.Report ...,明天上班吗,내일일하시겠습니까,⏯.明天上班吗,Doyouworktomorrow,⏯.明天上班吗,明日仕事に行きますか,⏯.你明天还上班吗 ...,Howtosay我想确认一下我明天上班吗inEnglish,Iwantto...


一、你明天上班吗的英文1. Will you go to work tomorrow?2.Are you going to work tomorrow?3.Are you gonna go to work tomorrow?二、Will 和be going to 结构的区别1 ...

How do you say "明天要上班嗎?" in English (US)?

2018年11月11日 — do you need to work tomorrow ? do you need to work tomorrow ? See a translation. Report ...

How to say 你明天上班吗in English?

明天上班吗, 내일일하시겠습니까, ⏯. 明天上班吗, Do you work tomorrow, ⏯. 明天上班吗, 明日仕事に行きますか, ⏯. 你明天还上班吗 ...

How to say 我想确认一下我明天上班吗in English?

How to say 我想确认一下我明天上班吗in English,I want to make sure Im at work tomorrow. More translations from 中文to English.

“上班”不是“go to work”,这样说才地道!——Eschool英语

2020年10月11日 — “去上班”就是“go to work”呀! 动图封面. 但其实,go to work. 更多的是描述去上班的动作,. 例:. Tom: I am going to work. 汤姆:我要去上班了。 Mary ...

今天很熱不是「Today is hot」,明天不上班不是「Tomorrow is ...

2018年9月6日 — 同樣的道理,想想「明天不上班」要怎麼說? (X)Tomorrow will not work. (X)Tomorrow is off. (O)I am off tomorrow. (O)Tomorrow will ...


一、你明天上班吗的英文1. Will you go to work tomorrow? 2.Are you going to work tomorrow? 3.Are you gonna go to work tomorrow? 二、Will 和be going to 结构的 ...


你明天上班嗎的英文. 一、你明天上班嗎的英文. 1. Will you go to work tomorrow? 2.Are you going to work tomorrow? 3.Are you gonna go to work tomorrow?


Do you want to work tomorrow? 正在翻譯中..


【明天還要上班呢】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:also they had to go to work tomorrow明天還要上班呢。漢英詞典提供【明天還要上班呢】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句 ...