
HelloamcurrentlytryingtosetupSteamwithmyproject.Igottheoverlayworking,thatwastheeasypart,thankyou.,IgetaCivilizationVIhasstoppedworking,windowsislookingforasolutiontotheproblem.Thenitcloses,andnothinghappens.,,Abandonedhybridsingleplayer/multiplayershooterprojectformerlyknownasDECEIVER-lasercrabs/external/steam/steam_gameserver.hatmaster ...,...SteamGameServerUtils();S_APIISteamNetworking*Stea...

Advice moving forward with Steam?

Hello am currently trying to setup Steam with my project. I got the overlay working, that was the easy part, thank you .

Game won't even start. :

I get a Civilization VI has stopped working, windows is looking for a solution to the problem. Then it closes, and nothing happens.

lasercrabsexternalsteamsteam_gameserver.h at master

Abandoned hybrid singleplayer/multiplayer shooter project formerly known as DECEIVER - lasercrabs/external/steam/steam_gameserver.h at master ...


... SteamGameServerUtils(); S_API ISteamNetworking *SteamGameServerNetworking(); S_API ISteamGameServerStats *SteamGameServerStats(); S_API ISteamHTTP ...

Steamworks API Overview

ISteamUtils which you can access via the global interface: SteamGameServerUtils(); ISteamNetworking which you can access via the global interface ...

Steamworks.SteamGameServerUtils Class Reference

SteamGameServerUtils.GetCSERIPPort, (, out uint, unIP,. out ushort, usPort. ) inlinestatic. returns the IP of the reporting server for valve - currently only ...


... Run] 'twiec' = 'rundll32.exe %TEMP%-twiec.dll,SteamGameServerUtils' Malicious functions: Executes the following: <SYSTEM32>-rundll32.exe ...