
2021年9月13日—InWindowsthereisnooptiontocompletelyturnoffMicrosoftDefender,DefendercontrolisaPortablefreewaretodisableMsDefender.,InWindows11and10,thereisnooptiontocompletelyturnoffWindowsDefender,DefendercontrolisaportablefreewaretodisableorenableWindowsdefender ...,Welcometothesordum.orgsoftwaredownloadpage,alloursoftwareisfreeandportable,youcandownloadthembyoneby,wetrytodoourbest.,WindowsUp...

Defender Control v2.1

2021年9月13日 — In Windows there is no option to completely turn off Microsoft Defender , Defender control is a Portable freeware to disable Ms Defender.

Download Defender Control v2.1

In Windows 11 and 10, there is no option to completely turn off Windows Defender, Defender control is a portable freeware to disable or enable Windows defender ...

Download links for all programs

Welcome to the software download page , all our software is free and portable , you can download them by one by , we try to do our best.

Download Windows Update Blocker v1.8

Windows Update Blocker is a Portable freeware that helps you to completely disable or enable Automatic Updates on your Windows system.

Sordum User Tool 1.5

2023年11月8日 — Sordum User Tool 提供簡單易用的操作介面,使您能夠輕鬆管理系統設定,無需耗費時間在繁瑣的尋找與導覽中。透過這款工具,您能快速存取各項重要操作, ...

We develop highest quality software to simplify Computer usage. -- is it safe?

2023年1月24日 — Do you guys know/trust this site? It has been online for a while and it has some neat/useful tiny apps like Windows Firewall Control but ...

Windows Update Blocker v1.8

2023年6月10日 — Windows Update Blocker is a freeware that helps you to completely disable or enable Automatic Updates on your Windows system , with just a click ...


Sordum User Tool 是一款專為優化系統管理與使用者設定而設計的高效工具。其整合了多項實用功能,讓使用者能夠輕鬆管理各種操作,提高使用效率並確保系統安全。




Easy Context Menu 1.6 右鍵選單萬能工具

Easy Context Menu 1.6 右鍵選單萬能工具
