
SINADisusuallyexpressedindBandisquotedalongsidethereceiverRFsensitivity,togiveaquantitativeevaluationofthereceiversensitivity.Notethat ...,ThisMATLABfunctionreturnsthesignaltonoiseanddistortionratio(SINAD)indBcofthereal-valuedsinusoidalsignalx.,SINADisagoodindicationoftheoveralldynamicperformanceofanADCbecauseitincludesallcomponentswhichmakeupnoiseanddistortion.SINADisoften ...,2022年10月28日—...


SINAD is usually expressed in dB and is quoted alongside the receiver RF sensitivity, to give a quantitative evaluation of the receiver sensitivity. Note that ...

sinad - Signal to noise and distortion ratio

This MATLAB function returns the signal to noise and distortion ratio (SINAD) in dBc of the real-valued sinusoidal signal x.


SINAD is a good indication of the overall dynamic performance of an ADC because it includes all components which make up noise and distortion. SINAD is often ...

What Is SINAD?

2022年10月28日 — SINAD is an abbreviation for SIgnal-to-Noise And Distortion. It is a measure of audio quality used in low signal-to-noise ratio situations such ...

What is 12dB SINAD?

SINAD is a measurement of signal, noise and distortion. It is defined as: SINAD value = Signal + Noise + Distortion / Noise + Distortion This is a power ...


SINAD 的意思是訊號+噪音+失真(signal plus noise and distortion), 這是一個用來量度訊號質量的指標. …………(2). 而SINAD 亦是以dB作單位. 在以上的方程式中, 各個數字都 ...


信纳比(SINAD,或S/(N + D))是均方根信号幅值与所有其他谱分量的平方和根的平均值的比值,包括谐波,但不包括直流。SINAD很好地反映了ADC的整体动态性能,因为它包括了 ...