
PROSOPAGNOSIA的意思、解釋及翻譯:1.theconditionofnotbeingabletorecognizethefacesofpeoplewhoareknowntoyou,often…。了解更多。,PROSOPAGNOSIA翻譯:臉孔失認(症)。了解更多。,Prosopagnosiaalsoknownasfaceblindness,isacognitivedisorderoffaceperceptioninwhichtheabilitytorecognizefamiliarfaces,includingone'sown ...,2023年2月24日—DeGutis:Prosopagnosia,orfaceblindness,canbecausedbyabraininjurytooccipital...


PROSOPAGNOSIA的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the condition of not being able to recognize the faces of people who are known to you, often…。了解更多。




Prosopagnosia also known as face blindness, is a cognitive disorder of face perception in which the ability to recognize familiar faces, including one's own ...

How Common Is Face Blindness?

2023年2月24日 — DeGutis: Prosopagnosia, or face blindness, can be caused by a brain injury to occipital or temporal regions, referred to as acquired ...

Prosopagnosia (Face Blindness)

2022年7月7日 — Prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness, is a brain condition where you can't recognize faces or facial expressions.

Prosopagnosia Symptoms & Treatment

Prosopagnosia is a brain disorder that makes difficult the recognition of persons by their face. Also called face blindness, prosopagnosia comes from prosopon, ...


由 FR Cabrero 著作 · 2022 — Prosopagnosia is defined as the inability to recognize known and new faces. It is also known as facial/visual agnosia.

Prosopagnosia (face blindness)

Prosopagnosia, also called face blindness, is a condition where you have difficulty recognising people's faces. There is no treatment, but there are things ...


臉部失認症(英語:prosopagnosia)源自希臘文,prósōpon指的是「臉」,agnōsía指的是「非認知」,又稱臉盲症(英語:face blindness),是一種與臉部知覺相關的認知障礙 ...