
其近海範圍從西北太平洋以北延伸至香港、台灣和日本南部。在南部,該物種生活在最南邊的澳大利亞悉尼。它的分佈繼續遍及整個西太平洋,包括湯加、西薩摩亞、波利尼西亞和 ...,它是一種半遠洋魚類,以在整個水柱中活動而聞名,但在自然界中大多是底棲的。該物種最常見於各種環境的淺沿海水域,包括珊瑚礁、珊瑚礁、海岸表面、潟湖、海灣、潮灘和 ...,Thegianttrevallyisapowerfulpredatoryfish,fromtheestuariesitinhabitsasaju...

藍鰭鰺Bluefin Trevally

其近海範圍從西北太平洋以北延伸至香港、台灣和日本南部。在南部,該物種生活在最南邊的澳大利亞悉尼。它的分佈繼續遍及整個西太平洋,包括湯加、西薩摩亞、波利尼西亞和 ...

巨鰺Giant Trevally

它是一種半遠洋魚類,以在整個水柱中活動而聞名,但在自然界中大多是底棲的。 該物種最常見於各種環境的淺沿海水域,包括珊瑚礁、珊瑚礁、海岸表面、潟湖、海灣、潮灘和 ...

Giant trevally

The giant trevally is a powerful predatory fish, from the estuaries it inhabits as a juvenile to the outer reefs and atolls it patrols as an adult.

Bluefin trevally

The bluefin trevally is a fast swimming, mainly piscivorous predator which shows a wide range in hunting techniques. ... Two studies of adult fish in Hawaii found ...

Bigeye trevally

The bigeye trevally is one of the larger members of Caranx, growing to a maximum recorded size of 120 cm in length and 18.0 kg in weight. ... It is similar to ...


英文俗名, Trevally; Yellow fin jack; Spotted trevally; Blue-fin trevally; Blue jack fish; Bluefin trevally; Blue trevally; Blue ulua; Bluefin kingfish; Blue ...


Trevallies are actively swimming, highly streamlined fishes with very fine scales. The most prominent features in Trevally are the forked caudal or tail fin and ...