
Timespinner-WithherfamilymurderedinfrontofherandtheancientTimespinnerdevicedestroyed,Lunaisissuddenlytransportedintoaunknownworld, ...,Travelbackintimetochangefateitself,inthisbeautifullycraftedstory-drivenadventure,inspiredbyclassic90saction-platformers.,JointimekeeperLunaisonherquestforrevengeagainsttheempirethatkilledherfamily,inthisgothic90sinspiredactionplatformer.,Befriendmysteriouscreat...

Steam 社群:

Timespinner - With her family murdered in front of her and the ancient Timespinner device destroyed, Lunais is suddenly transported into a unknown world, ...


Travel back in time to change fate itself, in this beautifully crafted story-driven adventure, inspired by classic 90s action-platformers.

Timespinner for Nintendo Switch

Join timekeeper Lunais on her quest for revenge against the empire that killed her family, in this gothic 90s inspired action platformer.

Timespinner on Steam

Befriend mysterious creatures called Familiars, such as the adorable dream dragon Meyef, and train them to aid you in battle. Test your skills and timing with ...

和魔法少女一起穿越古今拯救家人!《神祕時光機 ...

2018年9月26日 — 玩家將在錯綜複雜的像素藝術世界中來探索,穿越充滿困境的現在與令人懷念的過往,玩家要蒐集並啟動魔珠來摧毀敵人,並且與神秘的生物如夢幻飛龍交朋友, ...


Travel back in time to change fate itself, in this beautifully crafted story-driven adventure, inspired by classic 90s action-platformers.