
Studieshavefoundthatdryingwithacottontowelisthebestway,becausethefrictionofthetowelisgoodatremovingbacteria.研究發現,使用棉製毛巾把手擦 ...,在英文解释里:.bathsheet-bathtowel-beachtowel-dishcloth-dishtowel-handtowel-maxipad-pantyliner.中文:.毛巾-手巾-浴巾-纸巾.在单词 ...,towel·n.·毛巾,手巾;紙巾[C].vt.用毛巾擦[(+down)][O8].vi.用毛巾擦乾身體[(+off)];towel·n.·毛巾;紙巾.vt.用毛巾擦乾;towel...

towel (【名詞】毛巾)意思、用法及發音

Studies have found that drying with a cotton towel is the best way, because the friction of the towel is good at removing bacteria. 研究發現,使用棉製毛巾把手擦 ...


在英文解释里:. bath sheet - bath towel - beach towel - dishcloth - dishtowel - hand towel - maxi pad - panty liner. 中文:. 毛巾 - 手巾 - 浴巾 - 纸巾. 在单词 ...


towel · n. · 毛巾,手巾;紙巾[C]. vt. 用毛巾擦[(+down)][O8]. vi. 用毛巾擦乾身體[(+off)] ; towel · n. · 毛巾; 紙巾. vt. 用毛巾擦乾 ; towel. 手巾,毛巾用毛巾擦 ...


TOWEL翻譯:毛巾;紙巾, 用毛巾擦乾。了解更多。


2024年3月20日 — towel的英語發音. towel. Loading video. How to pronounce towel. Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. UK/taʊəl/. Your browser doesn't support ...


2018年7月9日 — shower cap浴帽. shower [ˋʃaʊɚ] (名詞)-淋浴;淋浴器;淋浴間 ; □bath towel浴巾. towel · ]-(名詞)-毛巾,手巾;紙巾[C] ; □towel rail單根的毛巾吊桿.


參考釋義 · - towel; loop towel; facecloth; washcloth: rinse the towel; 漂洗毛巾. wring a towel; 擰毛巾 · 短語. 毛巾被towelling coverlet. 毛巾布frieze boucle; ...


A towel is a piece of thick, soft cloth that you use to dry yourself with. ...a bath towel. 美式英语: towel /ˈtaʊəl/; 阿拉伯语: مِنْشَفَة; 巴西葡萄牙语: toalha ...