
PopularWordsWithThisKanji·個人.individual;privateperson;personal;private·箇所,個所,か所,カ所,ケ所,ヶ所.passage;place;point;part·個,箇.,Thispageisregarding個whichmeansindividual.Itshowstheradical,theorderofstroke,howtoreadandexamplesofhowitcanbeused.,Kanjiedit.个.(uncommon“Hyōgai”kanji).counterforarticles·individual...个isavariantof個,anditspronunciationwouldhavebeen고asin固,凅,痼 ...,訓:音:カ...

Kanji Details for 個

Popular Words With This Kanji · 個人. individual; private person; personal; private · 箇所, 個所, か所, カ所, ケ所, ヶ所. passage; place; point; part · 個, 箇.

This kanji "個" means "individual"

This page is regarding 個 which means individual. It shows the radical, the order of stroke, how to read and examples of how it can be used.

Kanji edit. 个. (uncommon “Hyōgai” kanji). counter for articles · individual ... 个is a variant of 個, and its pronunciation would have been 고 as in 固, 凅, 痼 ...

訓: 音:カコ. 意義:counter for articles, individual. | Mazii是日語字典免費下載。 你可以免費翻譯日語到英語,用語音,手寫和圖片翻譯日語詞典,學習日語漢字和 ...

此字「个」是「個」的簡體字和傳統異體字。 註解:. 簡體字主要在中國大陸、馬來西亞和新加坡使用。 繁體字主要在香港、澳門和臺灣使用。 日語 編輯. 漢字 編輯. 個. (表 ...

Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 5. JLPT level: N2. 451 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers. Stroke count: 10. Meaning: individual, counter for articles.

個 Kanji Detail

個 is a Japanese kanji that means individual. 個 has 10 strokes, and is the 567th most common kanji in Japanese. Learn about 個 on Kanshudo.

個人, こじん, 個人。 個体, こたい, 個體。 個別, こべつ, 個別,一個一個。 個展, こてん, 個人作品展覽會。 個性, こせい, 個性。 カ. 個所, かしょ, 處,地方。


1. 偏。 2. 量詞。①表示單獨的人或物。②指一次動作行為。③用於動詞和補語中間。④量詞「些」的後綴。 3. 單獨的。 4. 代詞。這;此。也作「箇」。 5. ﹝自個兒﹞自己。


