
,,2023年8月18日—929-55-MARIOor929-556-2746.Needlesstosay,manywerequicktoseeifthetelephonenumberworked.Spoileralert:Itdoes!Ifyoucallthe ...,,2023年2月12日—IcalledtheSuperMarioMoviehotlinenumberandit'sabsolutelyamazing--Comegivealistenifyou'retoolazytocallreal-lifephonenumbers.,929-55-MARIO!That's929-556-2746!Messageusaboutanyissues,whereveryoulive.House,condo...mansion?Andwe'llbe ...,2023年2月1...

Call Or Text The Mario Bros In Real Life, It Actually Works!

2023年8月18日 — 929-55-MARIO or 929-556-2746. Needless to say, many were quick to see if the telephone number worked. Spoiler alert: It does! If you call the ...

I called the Super Mario Movie hotline number and it's ...

2023年2月12日 — I called the Super Mario Movie hotline number and it's absolutely amazing--Come give a listen if you're too lazy to call real-life phone numbers.

Super Mario Bros. Plumbing | MarioWiki

929-55-MARIO! That's 929-556-2746! Message us about any issues, wherever you live. House, condo... mansion? And we'll be ...

This is what happens when you call the Super Mario Bros. ...

2023年2月12日 — Oh, and you can call/text it yourself now at 929-55-MARIO (62746) or visit