proximity effect
proximity effect

2023年9月4日—Proximityeffect-anelectromagneticphenomenoncausingnon-uniformdistributionofACcurrentinmulti-turnwindingsornearbyconductors, ...,Whentheconductorscarryingthehighalternatingvoltagethenthecurrentarenotuniformlydistributedinthecross-sect...

What is the proximity effect, and why does it occur?


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Proximity effect

2023年9月4日 — Proximity effect - an electromagnetic phenomenon causing non-uniform distribution of AC current in multi-turn windings or nearby conductors, ...

What is Proximity Effect? Definition & Factors Affecting it

When the conductors carrying the high alternating voltage then the current are not uniformly distributed in the cross-section area of the conductor.

Proximity effect (audio)

The proximity effect in audio is an increase in bass or low frequency response when a sound source is close to a directional or cardioid microphone.

Proximity effect (electromagnetism)

In electromagnetics, proximity effect is a redistribution of electric current occurring in nearby parallel electrical conductors carrying alternating ...

The Proximity Effect in Transmission Lines

An increase in apparent resistance in a conductor causes a voltage drop and power loss. This phenomenon is called the proximity effect.

Proximity effect in microphones explained

2022年5月31日 — Proximity is when a microphone produces more bass by getting closer to the sound source (a point - or line source).

Skin effect and Proximity effect

The tendency of alternating current to concentrate at the surface of the conductor is called as skin effect..... Proximity effect is when two or more ...

What is the Proximity Effect?

The proximity effect is a phenomenon that leads to an increase in low frequency response as you move the mic closer to the source. The closer you get, ...

Proximity Effect

The proximity effect is defined as the unintentional exposure of resist surrounding the impact site of the primary incident beam. It is caused by backscattered ...

What is the proximity effect, and why does it occur?

2021年7月9日 — The proximity effect occurs due to phase and amplitude variations of the sound waves arriving at the two sides of the microphone's diaphragm.


2023年9月4日—Proximityeffect-anelectromagneticphenomenoncausingnon-uniformdistributionofACcurrentinmulti-turnwindingsornearbyconductors, ...,Whentheconductorscarryingthehighalternatingvoltagethenthecurrentarenotuniformlydistributedinthecross-sectionareaoftheconductor.,Theproximityeffectinaudioisanincreaseinbassorlowfrequencyresponsewhenasoundsourceisclosetoadirectionalorcardioidmicrophone.,Ine...