
成癮後一旦停止吸食,便會產生戒斷症狀,包括疲倦、沮喪、焦慮、易怒、全身無力等。因安非他命具有抑制食慾的作用,常被不法人士摻入非法減肥藥中非法販賣,使用藥者在 ...,2023年12月15日—Methamphetamine,ormeth,isastimulantdrugthatspeedsupyourbody'scentralnervoussystem.Itboostsdopamine,whichisabrain ...,2023年9月6日—Methamphetamine(meth)isasyntheticstimulantthatisaddictiveandcancauseconsiderablehealthadve...

(甲基)安非他命(Methamphetamine) - 反毒大本營

成癮後一旦停止吸食,便會產生戒斷症狀,包括疲倦、沮喪、焦慮、易怒、全身無力等。 因安非他命具有抑制食慾的作用,常被不法人士摻入非法減肥藥中非法販賣,使用藥者在 ...

Crystal Meth

2023年12月15日 — Methamphetamine, or meth, is a stimulant drug that speeds up your body's central nervous system. It boosts dopamine, which is a brain ...

Know the Risks of Meth

2023年9月6日 — Methamphetamine (meth) is a synthetic stimulant that is addictive and can cause considerable health adversities that can sometimes result in ...


What is Methamphetamine? Stimulant that speeds up body's system that comes as pill or powder. Available in prescription as Desoxyn® to treat obesity and ADHD.

Methamphetamine | C10H15N

Methamphetamine | C10H15N | CID 10836 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, ...


a drug that makes your mind and body more active. It is addictive (= you cannot stop taking it when you have started) and some people take it illegally.

What is methamphetamine?

2019年10月16日 — Methamphetamine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. It takes the form of a white, odorless, ...


甲基苯丙胺或甲基安非他命(英語:methamphetamine,全名N-methylamphetamine),化學式:C₆H₅CH₂CH(CH₃)NHCH₃(N-甲基-1-苯基丙-2-胺、N-甲基-α-甲基苯乙胺),其結晶 ...