

letter-spacing CSS property

letter-spacing CSS property. - REC. Controls spacing between characters of text (i.e. tracking in typographical terms). Not to be confused with kerning.


2022年5月31日 — The letter-spacing property controls the amount of space between each letter in a given element or block of text.

CSS letter

浏览器支持. 表格中的数字表示支持该属性的第一个浏览器版本号。 属性.

C8: Using CSS letter

The CSS letter-spacing property helps developers control the amount of white space between characters. This is recommended over adding blank characters to ...

Letter Spacing

Utilities for controlling the tracking (letter spacing) of an element.

CSS letter

The letter-spacing property increases or decreases the space between characters in a text. Show demo ❯. Default value: ...

letter-spacing - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

2023年2月20日 — The letter-spacing CSS property sets the horizontal spacing behavior between text characters. This value is added to the natural spacing ...

CSS letter

CSS letter-spacing 屬性的功能可以用來設定文字水平方向間的空白區間,letter-spacing 的屬性值可以為正值或負值,當letter-spacing.

Letter-spacing - 金魚都能懂的CSS必學屬性
