

INDEMNIFY in Traditional Chinese

To develop the controller, a nonlinear feedback term coupled to a nonlinear, dynamic filter is used to indemnify for the loss of link velocity measurements.

Indemnification Definition & Meaning

2024年1月26日 — The meaning of INDEMNIFICATION is the action of indemnifying.


Indemnification is a legal agreement by one party to hold another party blameless – not liable – for potential losses or damages.

indemnify | Wex | US Law

To indemnify, also known as indemnity or indemnification, means compensating a person for damages or losses they have incurred or will incur related to a ...


n. 保障;賠償; 賠償物. 牛津中文字典. indemnification.

Indemnification Clauses in Commercial Contracts

Indemnification, also referred to as indemnity, is an undertaking by one party (the indemnifying party) to compensate the other party (the indemnified party) ...


In contract law, an indemnity is a contractual obligation of one party (the indemnitor) to compensate the loss incurred by another party (the indemnitee) ...


Indemnity is a comprehensive form of insurance compensation for damage or loss. When the term indemnity is used in the legal sense, it may also refer to an ...

INDEMNIFICATION | English meaning

3 天前 — the act of protecting someone against legal responsibility for their actions: All of our employees receive indemnification against legal action.


詞條. indemnification. 中文. (1)補償;損失補償 (2)補償金. 解釋. (1)指為他人的行為所造成的損失進行賠償或使之恢復原狀的行為。如,甲不能清償所欠乙之債而由擔保 ...