

Bigscreen Beyond 號稱是「世界最小」的VR 頭戴裝置

2023年2月14日 — Bigscreen Beyond 號稱是「世界最小」的VR 頭戴裝置,它配備了5K 90Hz OLED 顯示面板,但為了實現輕量化在設計上也有不少取捨。

《吉米教你看懂》使用Bigscreen邀請好友一起來虛擬世界看片 ...

2022年1月13日 — 軟體名稱:Bigscreen Beta 軟體分類:影音娛樂安裝資源:官網、Oculus Store、Steam 操作等級:▽▽▽▽▽ 推薦安裝:△△△△△

Steam 社群:

Bigscreen lets you use your PC desktop in VR. Watch movies with friends in a virtual movie theater. Play your favorite PC video games on a huge screen.

Bigscreen Beta

Bigscreen lets you use your PC desktop in VR. Watch movies with friends in a virtual movie theater. Play your favorite PC video games on a huge screen.

Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop. Go beyond your normal monitor. Install and run Bigscreen Remote Desktop on your PC to access your desktop from any Quest headset.


Bigscreen is a virtual reality platform that people use to watch movies, play games, and use their computer in VR collaboratively with friends.

Bigscreen Beyond

The ultimate PC VR headset with stunning ultra-high resolution Micro-OLED displays, an unbelievable form factor weighing just 127 grams, and exceptional ...

Bigscreen Beta

2024年4月9日 — 此應用程式可以存取你的顯示名稱、用戶名稱、大頭貼照、虛擬替身、年齡層,以及你的追蹤者和追蹤對象中,同樣擁有這款應用程式的用戶名單。 Bigscreen ...