
因左腦額葉受損,引致腦部未能有效規劃及協調口部肌肉動作來說話.Prev:神經性構音障礙(Dysarthria)·Next:認知溝通障礙(CognitiveCommunicationDisorder) ...,Apraxiaofspeech(AOS),alsocalledverbalapraxia,isaspeechsounddisorderaffectinganindividual'sabilitytotranslateconsciousspeechplansinto ...,Apraxiaisamotordisordercausedbydamagetothebrainwhichcausesdifficultywithmotorplanningtoperformtasksormovements.T...

失用症(Apraxia of speech)

因左腦額葉受損,引致腦部未能有效規劃及協調口部肌肉動作來說話. Prev: 神經性構音障礙(Dysarthria) · Next: 認知溝通障礙(Cognitive Communication Disorder) ...

Apraxia of speech

Apraxia of speech (AOS), also called verbal apraxia, is a speech sound disorder affecting an individual's ability to translate conscious speech plans into ...


Apraxia is a motor disorder caused by damage to the brain which causes difficulty with motor planning to perform tasks or movements. The nature of the ...


2022年5月2日 — Apraxia is a disorder of the brain and nervous system in which a person is unable to perform tasks or movements when asked, even though:

Apraxia - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

2008年4月28日 — Apraxia is a neurological disorder characterized by the inability to perform learned (familiar) movements on command, even though the command is ...


n. 【醫】失用症. Dr.eye 譯典通.

【中風復健】手好好的卻做不出想要的動作?可能是失用症 ...

以臨床觀點來看,趙奶奶的行為表現為「肢體動作失用症」(limb apraxia)的一種。肢體失用症為一種認知知覺障礙,患者呈現的問題並非感覺動作障礙或是理解指令困難造成。 以 ...


由 SN Gowda 著作 · 2022 · 被引用 1 次 — Apraxia is a neurological disorder affecting motor function, planning, and task performance, in the absence of apparent neurological insult to ...

What Is Apraxia of Speech?

2017年10月31日 — Apraxia of speech (AOS) is a neurological disorder that affects the brain pathways involved in producing speech.


2023年11月21日 — Apraxiais a neurological condition that makes it difficult or impossible to make certain movements. This happens even though your muscles ...