
TheGreat78Project!Listentothiscollectionof78rpmrecords,cylinderrecordings,andotherrecordingsfromtheearly20thcentury.,Thegoalofthisprojectistodigitallypreserveforposteritymillionsof78rpm(playsperminute)recordsproducedintheUnitedStatesfrom1898tothe ...,2023年8月12日—這些聲音內容主要涵蓋1972年以前藉由黑膠唱片紀錄聲音。美國國會於2018年通過了《音樂現代化法案》,將1972年之前的音樂版權延長至2067年。,...

78 RPMs and Cylinder Recordings

The Great 78 Project! Listen to this collection of 78rpm records, cylinder recordings, and other recordings from the early 20th century.

Great 78 Project

The goal of this project is to digitally preserve for posterity millions of 78 rpm (plays per minute) records produced in the United States from 1898 to the ...

SONY聯手唱片同業在美提告網際網路檔案館「Great 78 ...

2023年8月12日 — 這些聲音內容主要涵蓋1972年以前藉由黑膠唱片紀錄聲音。美國國會於2018年通過了《音樂現代化法案》,將1972年之前的音樂版權延長至2067年。

The Great 78 Project

The Great 78 Project is an initiative developed by the Internet Archive which aims to digitize 250,000 78 rpm singles (500,000 songs) from the period ...

The Great 78 Project

2023年8月12日 — The Great 78 Project is a community project for the preservation, research and discovery of 78rpm records. From about 1898 to the 1950s, ...

The Great 78 Project

The Great 78 Project is a community project for the preservation, research and discovery of 78rpm records. From about 1898 to the 1950s, an estimated 3 million ...

The Great 78 Project 兩萬張古董黑膠唱片數位化

使用教學. STEP 1. 開啟78rpm Records Digitized 網站後,可以找到25,000 多張已數位化的老黑膠唱片,數位化工作是由George Blood, L.P. 錄音室進行。從首頁可以找到每張黑 ...

UMG, Sony and Capitol sue Internet Archive over 'Great 78 ...

2023年8月18日 — The project is an initiative that is aimed to preserve and provide free access to pre-1972 musical works from artists such as Frank Sinatra, ...

唱片業者控告Internet Archive數位化黑膠唱片的Great 78 ...

2023年8月14日 — 根據《路透社》(Reuters)與《彭博社》(Bloomberg)的報導,包括新力音樂(Sony Music)與環球唱片(Universal Music Group)等6大唱片業者在上周 ...