
SUBORDINATED的意思、解釋及翻譯:usedtodescribealoanthatwillbepaidbackafterotherloans,ifthepersonborrowingmoney…。了解更多。,subordinate·adj.下級的[(+to)];次要的;隸屬的[(+to)]·n.部下,部屬;下級職員[C] ...,adjective·madesecondaryorsubservient:Mostcollegeprogramsaregearedtothoseaged18to24,leavingothersinasubordinatedpositioninthesystem.,由汪志勇著作·2009—摘要.本研究首先建立一個道德危險模型...


SUBORDINATED的意思、解釋及翻譯:used to describe a loan that will be paid back after other loans, if the person borrowing money…。了解更多。


subordinate · adj. 下級的[(+to)];次要的;隸屬的[(+to)] · n. 部下,部屬;下級職員[C] ...

SUBORDINATED Definition & Meaning

adjective · made secondary or subservient: Most college programs are geared to those aged 18 to 24, leaving others in a subordinated position in the system.

次順位債券與市場規範= Subordinated Debt and Market ...

由 汪志勇 著作 · 2009 — 摘要. 本研究首先建立一個道德危險模型,說明銀行發行次順位債券可帶來直接規範效果以及間接規範效果,以降低銀行放款風險。直接金融規範效果是指專業債券投資人會評量銀行 ...

Subordinate Definition & Meaning

verb. sub·​or·​di·​nate sə-ˈbȯr-də-ˌnāt. subordinated; subordinating. transitive ... the equitable assignee will be subordinated to the rights of the assignor's ...

subordinated bonds or debentures,次級債券,元照英美法詞典



次級債務(Subordinated Debt)次級債務是指銀行發行的,固定期限不低於5年(包括5年),除非銀行倒閉或清算,不用於彌補銀行日常經營損失,且該項債務的索償權排在 ...

Subordinated Debt

Subordinated debt (debenture) is a loan or security that ranks below other loans or securities with regard to claims on assets or earnings.


一級. 次順位債券(Subordinated debt)──指標準次順位債,其中包括與其位階相. 同的無到期日及有到期日債務。標準次順位債的求償順位低於一般主順位. 之債券,其發行人 ...

subordinated debt - 英中

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