
2020年11月1日—P-51D:6挺12.7mm白朗寧重機槍(標準荷載1880發。最內側兩挺各400發,外側四挺各270發)。也可選擇4挺機槍的組態減輕重量,但除了少數極度重視運動性的駕駛 ...,,TheP-51DbecamethemostwidelyproducedvariantoftheMustang.ADallas-builtversionoftheP-51D,designatedtheP-51K,wasequippedwithan11ft(3.4m) ...,TheCAFRedTailSquadron'sP-51CMustang,namedTuskegeeAirmen,isanauthenticandfullyrestoredoperational...


2020年11月1日 — P-51D:6挺12.7mm白朗寧重機槍(標準荷載1880發。最內側兩挺各400發,外側四挺各270發)。也可選擇4挺機槍的組態減輕重量,但除了少數極度重視運動性的駕駛 ...

North American P

The P-51D became the most widely produced variant of the Mustang. A Dallas-built version of the P-51D, designated the P-51K, was equipped with an 11 ft (3.4 m) ...


The CAF Red Tail Squadron's P-51C Mustang, named Tuskegee Airmen, is an authentic and fully restored operational fighter from the WWII era.

P-51 Mustang Variants - P

The P-51C suffered the same problems as the P-51B with gun jamming and poor visibility to the rear. As with the B model, these problems were fixed at the ...


此機係由美國北美航空公司設計製造,使用PACKARD V-1650-7型12汽缸液冷式發動機一具,最大動力1,510匹馬力,最大速度437浬/時,航程950哩,武器0.50英吋固定翼上機槍6 ...


Pros and cons · Very fast at all altitudes, especially in a shallow dive · Fantastic top speed and acceleration · Outstanding Boom & Zoom capability · Very good ...


P-51野馬式戰鬥機(英語:P-51 Mustang),是美國陸軍航空軍在二次世界大戰期間最有名的戰鬥機之一,也是美國海陸兩軍所使用的單引擎戰鬥機當中航程最長,對於歐洲與 ...

North American P

On May 29, 1951, Capt. Charles F. Blair flew Excalibur III from Norway across the North Pole to Alaska in a record-setting 10½ hours.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
